Overview of the Calendar Tab


Below is a brief 6 minutes video that will give you a great overview of the entire Calendar Tab.



The calendar offers three primary views (day view, week view, month view). They can be accessed as follows:

  1. From the "Calendar" tab you can easily change the view by selecting your option in the top blue bar of the Calendar.

  1. In the upper left-hand corner just above the blue header for the "Calendar", you will see a field labeled "Team Members". This function allows you to select the team members that you wish to view on the calendar. If you only wish to view one person on your team then you will only select that one team member.
  2. After you have selected the "Team Members" that you wish to view on the calendar you will then click on the link that is labeled "Apply"



Special Notes:

  • In the week and month views  you will see your meetings listed in the top section for that day and then in the bottom section of that day you will see your tasks
  • In the day view you will notice that the Calendar and your "Tasks and To-dos" are organized into two separate folders. This is done to make it easier to work your list of tasks for that given day.
  • In the day view, you will notice in the Calendar, you can place the cursor on the meeting to show different options.

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