Advanced Search & Report Builder in BigContacts
The Advanced Search & Report Builder in BigContacts helps you find specific contacts based on detailed filters. Instead of scrolling through your entire database, you can generate a precise list that meets your criteria.
Note: The Advanced Search feature is designed for creating targeted contact lists, not for pulling up or exporting your entire database. If you need a full contact list, click the Contact List button at the top of the screen. Broad searches may take longer to process or may not generate results.
Targeted Search: Filter contacts using multiple conditions, such as status, last interaction, or custom fields.
Flexible List Management: Create reports, export data, send group emails, or assign bulk tasks.
Saves Time: Retrieve only the contacts you need instead of manually reviewing large datasets.
Use Case
A sales manager wants to follow up with leads marked as "Interested" but not contacted in the last 60 days. Instead of manually searching, they use Advanced Search, set filters for "Lead Status: Interested" and "Last Contact Date: More than 60 days ago," and generate a list. They then create a group task for follow-ups and add a shared note for the team.
How to Use Advanced Search
Access Advanced Search
- Click on the Reports tab in BigContacts.
- Open the Advanced Search/Report Builder section.
Set Your Filters
1. Select the fields to include in your search.
2. In the Filtering Conditions column, choose how to refine results:
- Contains: Finds contacts with matching text.
- Is: Requires an exact match.
- Is Blank: Finds contacts without data in the selected field.
- Does Not Contain: Excludes specific values.
3. Enter the Value to Match (e.g., a name, date, or category).
Run the Search
Click View Contacts to generate the list.
Manage the Results
Click Manage Contacts to take further action:
- Export to Excel for reporting or analysis.
- Create a Group Task to assign follow-ups.
- Send a Group Email (up to 100 contacts at a time).
- Add a Group Note to document findings or team updates.
- Save Custom Report for future reference.