Advanced Search / Report Builder
BIGContacts offers various reporting options. The reports tab allows you to perform advanced searches, create a group email or group task, create custom reports, and access various system reports.
The Advanced Search area is where you can query any fields within your contact database. It is a powerful tool that will help you filter through your database and get just the list of contacts you are looking for.
Performing an Advanced Search
Note: The advanced Search feature is meant to assist you in building a specific/ filtered list of contacts, not to pull up or export your entire contact list. For a quick list of your contacts, click on the "Contact List" button at the top of the screen. If your search is too broad, the system may not be able to process the request using the "Advanced Search/Report Builder."
- Click on the "Reports" tab.
- Check off the fields you'd like to include in your report.
- In the "Filtering Conditions" column, use the drop-down menu to choose how to filter this particular field. The default is "Contains," which is the most common option as it will search for contacts that contain any part of what you will be entering into the box to the right (in the "Value to match for the field" column). The other Filtering Conditions are: "Is" (Must be an exact match), "Is Blank" (looking for contacts who have NO data in the field you selected to the left in the "Field Name" column), and "does not contain" (looking for contacts who do NOT contain the value you will be entering into the box to the right in the "Value to Match" column).
- The next column is "Value to Match". Depending on the field name you chose for the row, you may see a drop-down menu, radio buttons, or a date selector, but the most common will be a plain text box. This is where you enter (or select) a value you would like to filter based on what you selected in the previous "Filtering Conditions" column.
- After selecting all the fields, filtering conditions, and field values for your advanced search, you can click on the orange "View Contacts" button to run the report and list the contacts below.
- After your list populates, you will see a button labeled "Manage Contacts." Clicking on this will display options for your list.
- Export to Excel
- Create a Group Task
- Send Group Email (up to 100 contacts per group email)
- Add Group Note
- Save Custom report