Capture incoming Emails from your Gmail Inbox


BigContacts offers a powerful tool known as an "Custom Email" that allows you to automatically capture incoming emails and store them to the appropriate contact records.  This great feature works with any email account. Below are the steps that you want to follow to set this up. This requires a one-time setup for each user on your team and after this setup is completed this will work automatically for you in the background.

1)  Locate your Custom Email address in BigContacts

Each user on your team will have their own unique Custom Email address.  Below are the steps you can follow to get your unique email address.

  1. Click on the "Admin" Tab in your system
  2. Under the "Manage Users" a section you will select the "Add/Edit users" link

  3. In here you will see a row with your name and a link labeled "Request Custom Email"


  4. When you click this link, it will create a unique email address just for you!

2)  Setup forwarding of incoming emails FROM your Gmail Inbox TO your BigContacts Custom Email

Now that you have your custom email address you are now ready to set up the forwarding of incoming emails in your Gmail account. Please follow the steps below to complete the setup.

(From your Gmail account)

  1. Click on the gear-shaped icon the upper right-hand corner of the screen and click on "settings".
  2. In the links across the top of this section select "Forwarding and POP/IMAP"
  3. Click on "Add a forwarding address", carefully enter your BigContacts custom email address, and click on "Next"
  4. Click on "Proceed"
  5. Scroll down to the bottom and save your changes  

3)  Find & Enter the Gmail confirmation code

Now that you have completed a section above, Gmail has sent a confirmation code that must be entered to complete this process. This confirmation code is your verification that you wish to forward a copy of incoming emails to your custom email address.

You can follow the steps below to locate the confirmation code that Gmail has just sent to you.

(From your BigContacts account)

  1. Click on the "Admin" Tab 
  2. Under the "Manage Users" section select the "add/edit users" link
  3. Click directly on the custom email address listed to the right of the user's name and color.


  4. A screen will open that will show up to the last few emails that have been forwarded through your custom email. It is here where you will see and can copy the Gmail confirmation code. 

    Please note that you only want to copy the number and do not include the "#".

For additional help, we have provided a link directly from Google with regard to forwarding email: 


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