Google Calendar Sync - Getting Started


The "Google Sync" module will allow you to add, edit or delete meetings in either BigContacts or Google calendar and have them instantly synchronize between the two programs.  Below, you will see how easy it is to get started and all that you can do with this new Google synchronization module.

As with any feature in BigContacts, we try to make it as easy as possible to connect and get started.  CAREFULLY follow the 6 steps below to ensure success in connecting your Google calendar to your BigContacts account.

Step1:  Go to the "Add-ons" section in your account

After you log into your BigContacts account you will see in the upper right-hand corner of your screen a "Gear" icon. You will click on this icon and then select the "Add-ons" link to access.

Step 2: Select the "Google Sync" tab as shown below

Step 3: Click on the "Connect Account" button as shown above

Step 4: After the Google sign screen opens, enter your Google credentials


Step 5:  (IMPORTANT) choose which calendar to sync with as shown below

Now all that remains is choosing the Google Calendar that you want BigContacts to synchronize with and determining if you want to send out meeting invitations and updates automatically when scheduling a meeting either in your BigContacts or Google calendars. It's really that simple!  You now have your calendars connected and to get you started.


When setting up the synchronization between BigContacts and Google calendar, we have found the INITIAL synchronization with Google Calendar to be very limited. This is a limitation that unfortunately exists with Google. What we have found is that at best Google MAY synchronizes up to 50 meetings from your Google calendar (and in some cases will not sync any) of your EXISTING meetings that are ALREADY entered in Google Calendar will synchronize with your BigContacts account.  The good news is that (going forward) all NEW meetings that you enter into either calendar will, in fact, synchronize without any issue.

Step 6: Test the synchronization AFTER all steps have been followed above:

A really simple way to test that the synchronization between the 2 programs is actually working is to schedule a meeting in your BigContacts account and then check your Google calendar. If the synchronization is set up correctly you will immediately see this appear in your Google calendar.

You can now test this calendar synchronization by first scheduling a meeting in your BigContacts calendar Here is a link to an article that shows how easy it is to schedule a meeting in BigContacts and have it auto sync to Google Calendar.

Sync meetings FROM BigContacts TO Google Calendar

Next, you can test how to sync a meeting scheduled in Google calendar to your BigContacts calendar.   

PLEASE NOTE:  When scheduling a meeting on your Google calendar it is very important to review the attached article included below first. It will show you how to properly scheduled a meeting to ensure that the meeting is linked directly to the contact record

Sync meetings FROM Google TO BigContacts Calendar

Please test these and let us know if for any reason you are not able to create a NEW meeting and have it synchronize between the programs.


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