Meeting Reminders


Your BigContacts account offers 2 different types of meeting reminders.

1) Email and/or text alerts

This is an optional feature and is not available in all plans. No matter where you are you can have your BigContacts account remind you of important meetings via text and/or email alerts!

You'll never forget a meeting again with meeting reminders. You have a number of options as to WHO you notify, WHEN you notify them and HOW you notify them. You can even choose to have reminders sent directly to the contact that you have scheduled a meeting for!


2)  Screen popup inside your BigContacts account

Your BigContacts Calendar can pop up with a reminder so you don't miss an important meeting with one of your contacts.  This first option will produce a sound that you will hear through your computer speakers and  will also show a popup if you're in your BigContacts account.  This is a standard feature in ALL accounts and can be enabled and utilized as shown below

PLEASE NOTE:  You can enable this type of reminder individually or set it up as the default for all meetings.

If you don't want to enable meeting reminders by default you can enable them when you schedule a meeting.



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