How to Add Tags to a Contact

BigContacts allows you to add tags to your contacts either individually or by importing them from a spreadsheet and merging them to add new tags.

Why you should add tags to a contact?

  • Improved customer segmentation: Tags allow you to group contacts based on their needs and interests so that you can send them specific messages or relevant offers.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: By sending more targeted and relevant messages and offers, you can increase customer satisfaction and make them feel more connected to your brand.
  • Better sales processes: Tags can trigger different automation workflows, group contacts for customer onboarding stages, or identify what stage of the sales pipeline your prospects are in.

1. To get started adding tags to your contacts, select "Admin" in the left menu area:

2. Select "Customize Account."

3. Scroll down to "Tags" and click "Add Tag."

4. In the New Tag dialog, create a tag by adding a name. Once done, click "Create."

Once you have finished creating your new Tag, you can go ahead and return to the Left Menu Area and select Contacts.

  • Go to the individual contact you want to add the new tag
  • Select Edit Contact under the "Actions" button

    • Select Custom Fields (1) in the header menu.
    • You will see Tags (2). Click on the arrow sign to expand. Now, you can choose the tags you would like to designate.
    • Once you have selected the tag you want to add, you can click on Update Contact (3).

    • Now, the assigned tag will appear under the General Info section of the contact.

Adding the tag into a Spreadsheet 

    If your Contact has two tags already and you are adding a new tag with an import, merge the contacts. Please make sure to have both tags (Two tags already added) added to the spreadsheet with the new tag you want to add, separated with a comma.

    • Once you click on "Merge," the system will add the new tag without deleting the other two (System doesn't delete those two tags because you add them in the spreadsheet separated with a comma)

    Ex. If you only add Tag: Desktop and Tag: Laptop(in the spreadsheet separated with a comma), the system will delete Tag: Mouse, and the contact will look like this-