Assign a Group Task


BigContacts allows you to assign a task across multiple contacts (up to 100 contacts at a time) with a feature called "Group Task".

  1. Click on the "Reports" tab
  2. In the "Personal Fields" section you will see a list of Personal fields.  Notice the "Include" column and the checkboxes.  You will need to check off the box next to each field you want to include to search for your targeted list of contacts


  3. There are also tabs for "Office Fields", "Spouse Fields", "Family Fields", your "Contact Groups", and your "Custom Fields".  Open these as needed to choose any fields & filters you will need here as well.


  4. To the right of each field that you select you will see "Filtering Conditions".  The default is "Contains" which is the most common option as it will search for contacts that contain any part of what you will be entering into the box to the right (in the "Value to match for the field" column).  The other Filtering Conditions are: "Is" (Must be an exact match), "Is Blank" (looking for contacts who have NO data in the field you selected to the left in the "Field Name" column), and "does not contain" (looking for contacts who do NOT contain the value you will be entering into the box to the right in the "Value to Match" column).


  5. The next column is "Value to Match".  Depending on the field name you chose for the row, you may see a drop down menu, radio buttons, or a date selector, but the most common will be a plain text box.  This is where you enter (or select) a value you would like to filter by based on what you have selected in the previous "Filtering Conditions" column.



  6. After you have selected all of the fields, filtering conditions, and field values for your advanced search you can click on the orange "View Contacts" button to run the report and list the contacts below.




  7. After your list populates you will see A few options for managing this list. Click on "Create Group Task".

8. Select the Task, configure Task Notifications (option), add a due date, priority and any other notes.

9. Click Assign Task to assign the task for all the contacts in the report.


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