Customize your Contact Dashboard view


BigContacts offers a unique Contact Dashboard that allows you to easily capture and store all communications with your customers and prospects; including notes, calls, meetings, tasks, files, photos, sales opportunities PLUS all email communication — all from one screen/view!

We now have three new features that we think will greatly enhance your experience with the Contact Dashboard.


Drag & Drop Folders

Organize the folders that you see on the right hand side of your Contact Dashboard anyway that you would like. Simply hover your mouse over the green bar of the folder and click, drag and then drop the folder into its new location. This offers endless possibilities as to how you can organize the display of your important information for your customers and prospects.


Default Folder views

Each folder now comes with its own customized view. You can choose to have certain folders that might contain more important information to you to be "opened" by default and for those folders that may not be as important to view each time you go to the contact dashboard, you can choose to have them "closed" by default.


Hide Folders

Finally, there may be some folders that you never use and you now have the ability to clean up your Contact Dashboard view by "hiding" these folders that are not of any real use to you in your business.


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